
Ovarian carcinoma cell typing

The purpose of this website is to provide training in subclassification of ovarian surface epithelial carcinoma, and to allow you to then test the accuracy of your diagnoses in an independent set of test cases. The five major subtypes of ovarian carcinomas are high-grade serous, clear cell, endometrioid, mucinous and low-grade serous, and these diagnostic categories encompass more than 98% of ovarian carcinomas. They are associated with distinct molecular alterations and clinical behavior. Reproducible histopathological cell type assignment for ovarian carcinoma becomes critical if different cell types are to be treated differently.

To start, click on the TRAINING SET link, below. After reviewing the training set cases, please proceed to the TEST SET.

TRAINING SET (40 cases)

TEST SET (40 cases)

© Genetic Pathology Evaluation Centre